Friday, February 27
Today we had this class activity that we had to use our therapeutic voice to say something good that happened in the week. I mentioned the present I got from Paris and it led the whole class to sing happy birthday to me. lol.
Counselling is really exhausting work. Mentally exhausting. You have to keep thinking and thinking when the client is talking to you, and at the same time catching the important parts of what they're saying.
I'm no good at it and I'm starting to doubt my ability to become a counsellor. Imagine listening to someone complain or talk about their problems for the whole day. I mean, sure you have to be irritable. Everyone's unloading their burdens on you. Its no wonder counsellors need to go to regular therapy to prevent depression.
I wonder how my lecturer manage to have such a good desposition. And she is sooo good at it. She picks up the important points and summarizes it all too easily. And she's young, like 30 odd.
She sees like 4 clients in one day. And you have to remember every client's story. You have to listen very carefully and pick out exactly what the client is feeling / trying to say.
And all this is only stage 1 of counselling, which is building Relationship with the client, gaining their trust. There's still 2 more stages, Realization and Responsibility.
OMGGG.... Feeling so screwed now.. Assignment due in one week.. And I duno wth is DSM - IV..
Lol k nvm I told Dave my feelings then he cheered me up.. Lol...
Counselling is really exhausting work. Mentally exhausting. You have to keep thinking and thinking when the client is talking to you, and at the same time catching the important parts of what they're saying.
I'm no good at it and I'm starting to doubt my ability to become a counsellor. Imagine listening to someone complain or talk about their problems for the whole day. I mean, sure you have to be irritable. Everyone's unloading their burdens on you. Its no wonder counsellors need to go to regular therapy to prevent depression.
I wonder how my lecturer manage to have such a good desposition. And she is sooo good at it. She picks up the important points and summarizes it all too easily. And she's young, like 30 odd.
She sees like 4 clients in one day. And you have to remember every client's story. You have to listen very carefully and pick out exactly what the client is feeling / trying to say.
And all this is only stage 1 of counselling, which is building Relationship with the client, gaining their trust. There's still 2 more stages, Realization and Responsibility.
OMGGG.... Feeling so screwed now.. Assignment due in one week.. And I duno wth is DSM - IV..
Lol k nvm I told Dave my feelings then he cheered me up.. Lol...
michi ]|[ 00:28
Wednesday, February 25
My birthday present that my dad ordered from Paris arrived today.

The peanut one is about the size of a normal laptop screen. The dancing one is half the size of the bigger one. Ommgggg.
I saw the peanut one at Action City in Singapore and I've always been looking at it longingly for 4 or 5 years. I really never knew my dad would buy it for me for my birthday. I never told him before. And it's original from Disney.
I was so touched I nearly cried when I saw it. It's the best gift I ever got from anyone.
My birthday present that my dad ordered from Paris arrived today.

The peanut one is about the size of a normal laptop screen. The dancing one is half the size of the bigger one. Ommgggg.
I saw the peanut one at Action City in Singapore and I've always been looking at it longingly for 4 or 5 years. I really never knew my dad would buy it for me for my birthday. I never told him before. And it's original from Disney.
I was so touched I nearly cried when I saw it. It's the best gift I ever got from anyone.
michi ]|[ 20:14
Friday, February 20
I had class yesterday. About how to ask the client right questions. It was murder on my brain, I tell you. If you ask the wrong questions, you wont get the whole story out of the client, and that can cause the client extra pain for the next week until he/she sees you again.
I feel so frustrated because most of the time I dont know what questions to ask, and normally I ask wrong ones. Am I ever going to get into the uni and become a counsellor?
Feeling so tired and sleepy now. Been waking up at 9am these few days to make it a habit. Sleepy ~~
Duno why, but these few days when I talk to Dave I'm like sian-sian. No mood to talk and laugh and joke anymore. He felt it too and he doesn't like it. aiyaaaaaaa.
I feel so frustrated because most of the time I dont know what questions to ask, and normally I ask wrong ones. Am I ever going to get into the uni and become a counsellor?
Feeling so tired and sleepy now. Been waking up at 9am these few days to make it a habit. Sleepy ~~
Duno why, but these few days when I talk to Dave I'm like sian-sian. No mood to talk and laugh and joke anymore. He felt it too and he doesn't like it. aiyaaaaaaa.
michi ]|[ 13:43
Friday, February 13
Something to laugh about. And dont do this to your future children please.
michi ]|[ 00:37
I had a really great day today, or rather yesterday. I came home wanting to share with Dave, then found out he was in a really bad mood. It's amazing how someone's mood can rub off on you. I'm not feeling good now either.
But anyway I'll talk about my day to try to cheer myself up.
I have a new lecturer, Yvonne. I love her lessons. Really really love. I had her lessons from time to time in the first 2 modules but now its her all the way till the end for the next month. She draws from her own counselling experiences from real clients she sees everyday.
She makes everything so easy to understand, and all so interesting. I kind of rekindled my interest in psychology today, after learning that she will be teaching us from now on. I've never been so keen on doing my assignments early and not waiting until the last minute, and even reading up on my own.
The last module is really hands on. We get the play the roles of counsellor and client. I did it with one of my classmate. She is a mother herself. We were supposed to share something good that happened so that the other can learn how to speak in a therapeutic tone.
I had a hard time thinking what good that happened to me, then I remembered my mother. It was her birthday on Tuesday. I didn't call her, because I was sure that she wasn't going to see me that night. But when I went home I saw her and my dad with her birthday cake on the table, waiting for me.
I was so happy she thought of me and wanted to spend her birthday with me although we don't live together. I recounted that experience, and I cried after just 1 min of trial counselling. Well not cried, my eyes just turned red and filled with water.
My classmate was a mother herself, so she reassured me that my mom still loves me and still think of me although we don't see each other. I miss her so much. I have haunting dreams about her and my dad at night. I wish they didn't move. Which child wants to be away from their parents.
I just finished my project about how to raise an emotionally secure child. Sigh. I used to wonder why I didn't feel secure about my parents, and thru my project I found that my parents didn't do majority of the things that I talked about in my project.
Well, I'm just really glad and grateful they still think of me.
But anyway I'll talk about my day to try to cheer myself up.
I have a new lecturer, Yvonne. I love her lessons. Really really love. I had her lessons from time to time in the first 2 modules but now its her all the way till the end for the next month. She draws from her own counselling experiences from real clients she sees everyday.
She makes everything so easy to understand, and all so interesting. I kind of rekindled my interest in psychology today, after learning that she will be teaching us from now on. I've never been so keen on doing my assignments early and not waiting until the last minute, and even reading up on my own.
The last module is really hands on. We get the play the roles of counsellor and client. I did it with one of my classmate. She is a mother herself. We were supposed to share something good that happened so that the other can learn how to speak in a therapeutic tone.
I had a hard time thinking what good that happened to me, then I remembered my mother. It was her birthday on Tuesday. I didn't call her, because I was sure that she wasn't going to see me that night. But when I went home I saw her and my dad with her birthday cake on the table, waiting for me.
I was so happy she thought of me and wanted to spend her birthday with me although we don't live together. I recounted that experience, and I cried after just 1 min of trial counselling. Well not cried, my eyes just turned red and filled with water.
My classmate was a mother herself, so she reassured me that my mom still loves me and still think of me although we don't see each other. I miss her so much. I have haunting dreams about her and my dad at night. I wish they didn't move. Which child wants to be away from their parents.
I just finished my project about how to raise an emotionally secure child. Sigh. I used to wonder why I didn't feel secure about my parents, and thru my project I found that my parents didn't do majority of the things that I talked about in my project.
Well, I'm just really glad and grateful they still think of me.
michi ]|[ 00:22
Wednesday, February 11
New found love:
I didnt realise that Darren Hayes was the singer in Savage Garden. I was asking Dave why he looked so familiar. Then Dave started talking to me like I was an 8-year-old, explaining about Savage Garden and their hit Truly Madly Deeply. That I know laaaaaa. -.-
I didnt realise that Darren Hayes was the singer in Savage Garden. I was asking Dave why he looked so familiar. Then Dave started talking to me like I was an 8-year-old, explaining about Savage Garden and their hit Truly Madly Deeply. That I know laaaaaa. -.-
michi ]|[ 13:47
Wednesday, February 4
I saw a lot of Sher these couple of days. And I saw outside too.
I met her and her boyfriend, Kelvin on Monday afternoon for lunch at the Pasta Shop. They headed to Sim Lim after that and I duno why I followed >< Dave told me he was going there too, so I guess that's one of the reasons xD
I saw him ^^ with his dad. We talked for 2mins then he had to go. He wanted to give me a lift back but I went back on my own. And as a result I got lost. Took me ages to find a taxi stand. I think God led me to it lol.
I went back, and after that met Sher for dinner. We went back to Sim Lim to collect her bf's laptop, then went to her place. We were supposed to slack at BK but ended up watching Iron Ladies II. hahahhaha. The first was much nicer =/
Then I went homeeeee. And the next day got muscle ache -.- walk a bit only got muscle ache.
Mmz. I met Sher again today. We had lunch tgt. When I went to pick up my laptop to head to her place, it started raining heavily. So we stayed in until 8pm, and had dinner at the Pasta Shop again. Got voucher ma xD I had the beef teppan pasta. Ooooo uber goodness. Suuuuper nice. Maybe one day I take Dave there xD
I feel good when I'm with her. Like I'm normal and not just a useless slacker. Heh. Owellz. Tomorrow have sch again -.- after a long 2 week break. Sigh.
Okay I'm out. Till next time then.
I met her and her boyfriend, Kelvin on Monday afternoon for lunch at the Pasta Shop. They headed to Sim Lim after that and I duno why I followed >< Dave told me he was going there too, so I guess that's one of the reasons xD
I saw him ^^ with his dad. We talked for 2mins then he had to go. He wanted to give me a lift back but I went back on my own. And as a result I got lost. Took me ages to find a taxi stand. I think God led me to it lol.
I went back, and after that met Sher for dinner. We went back to Sim Lim to collect her bf's laptop, then went to her place. We were supposed to slack at BK but ended up watching Iron Ladies II. hahahhaha. The first was much nicer =/
Then I went homeeeee. And the next day got muscle ache -.- walk a bit only got muscle ache.
Mmz. I met Sher again today. We had lunch tgt. When I went to pick up my laptop to head to her place, it started raining heavily. So we stayed in until 8pm, and had dinner at the Pasta Shop again. Got voucher ma xD I had the beef teppan pasta. Ooooo uber goodness. Suuuuper nice. Maybe one day I take Dave there xD
I feel good when I'm with her. Like I'm normal and not just a useless slacker. Heh. Owellz. Tomorrow have sch again -.- after a long 2 week break. Sigh.
Okay I'm out. Till next time then.
michi ]|[ 21:11